Update 29th July 2016: Added the result book with the official results from the European Deaf Tennis Championships 2016 in Portoroz / Slovenia with the signatures.
Update 12th June 2016: Added the final results of EDTC Portoroz 2016!
Update 31st May 2016: Bulletin n:o 3 attached. It contains important information about following topics: technical meeting, opening ceremony, flags and anthems, closing banquet.
Update 1st Apr 2016: The information about the organization of the European Deaf Championships in Tennis also available on Website: www.eurodeaftennis2016.com and in Facebook: www.facebook.com/European-Deaf-Tennis-Championships-2016-1681414598803197/
Welcome to Portoroz!
Update 7th Jan 2016: Changed 2nd Junior Tennis to 1st Junior Tennis. And updated PDFs accordingly.
Update 28th Dec 2015: Added Final entry forms. And we inform you after previous coordination with the EDSO Tennis Technical Director that the official ball of the 13th European Deaf Tennis Championships and 2nd European Deaf Junior Championships in Portoroz 2016 will be »Babolat Team«.
1st Dec 2015: The Bulletin No. 2 of European Deaf Championships Portoroz 2016 with the poster is here. The forms of hotel reservation and transport are also attached.