Please help Ukraine Deaf Sports Federation

Dear Sports Friends, Dear World Community. The war in Ukraine has been going on for 16 days now. Besides Ukrainian defenders, civilians continue to die: children, women, and aged people. Fleeing from missile and bomb attacks, many deaf Ukrainian athletes, in order to save their lives and their families, have abandoned their homes and went

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EDSO sports calendar 2022

Updated 1 March 2022: EDSO has the following sporting events in its program of sporting events for 2022: EDSO-DCL Seminar 4-6 March 2022 Lisbon (Portugal) European Deaf Futsal Main Round 10-13 March 2022 Castellon (Spain) European Deaf Futsal Main Round 18-20 March 2022 Brussels (Belgium) European Deaf Futsal Main Round 23-27 March 2022 Sarajevo (Bosnia

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European Deaf Curling Championships 2021

18 November 2021: 1st European Deaf Mixed Doubles Curling Championships, LODZ/Poland, 18-21 November 2021 3rd European Deaf Curling Championships, LODZ/Poland, 22-27 November 2021 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/2021-EC-Deaf-Mixed-Doubles-Curling-and-2021-EC-Deaf-Curling-100406685804128 LIVE YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCVJ8KYZulo5_1piqhlDCVpQ On this website you will have all results: https://curlingevent.com/event/EDCC_2021MixedDoubles English: https://curlingevent.com/en/event/EDCC_2021MixedDoubles?fbclid=IwAR2OTQ33lDA26DY8Wh_fxAWrTExDma8jtqp60VyGJp7md4mmsjuCtaRhF54 Polish: https://curlingevent.com/event/EDCC_2021MixedDoubles?fbclid=IwAR2OTQ33lDA26DY8Wh_fxAWrTExDma8jtqp60VyGJp7md4mmsjuCtaRhF54

European Deaf Padel Open, 3-5 December 2021, Salamanca-Spain

Dear National Deaf Sports Federations, FEDS is pleased to announce the EUROPEAN DEAF PADEL OPEN that will be held on 3-5th  December in Salamanca (Spain). The information with a brief introduction, rules, registration, information and forms for the registration of players is attached. It is european tournament to promote the sport PADEL to other countries

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