Updated 19.3.2016: 2nd and 3rd day results, medal lists and all results.
Updated 17.3.2016: Moved all photos to here. Added first day results and medal list.
Updated 16.3.2016: Added photos about TD meeting.
Updated 14.3.2016: Live streaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVJ8KYZulo5_1piqhlDCVpQ/live and presentation about shirts, medals, …
Live video schedule (all times are in UTC):
17 March (Thursday)
10:30 – Opening Ceremony
12:00 – 15:00 – Competitions
18 March (Friday)
14:00 – 15:45 – Competitions
19 March (Saturday)
12:00 – 14:30 – Competitions
15:00 – Closing Ceremony
Updated 9.3.2016: Added Discipline List, Indoor records, Preliminary program (new times), Set, Drawing, Qualification with run competitions, and Technical Regulations.
Updated 2.2.2016: New website for 5th European Deaf Indoor Athletics Championships in Torun, Poland. www.ediac2016.pl
Updated 4.1.2016: Added Preliminary programs, Hotel reservation form and Travel information.
Hall Torun: hala-torun.pl
Attached documents:
- 5. EGHM - All Results (207 kB, viewed 1679 times)
- Medals List 3 Day (85 kB, viewed 1274 times)
- 5. EGHM - 3 Day Result (133 kB, viewed 1283 times)
- Medals List 2 Day (113 kB, viewed 1050 times)
- 5. EGHM 2 Day - Result (157 kB, viewed 1218 times)
- Medals List 1 Day (81 kB, viewed 1250 times)
- 5. EGHM 2016 Result 1 Day (142 kB, viewed 1355 times)
- 5 EGHM-Indoor-Disipline List - 20 02 2016 (243 kB, viewed 1667 times)
- Preliminary Program - New Times - 03.03.2016 (189 kB, viewed 1329 times)
- Technical Regulations Athletics 03.03.2016 (323 kB, viewed 1236 times)
- Set, Drawing, Qualification with run competitions 2016-03-03 (106 kB, viewed 1182 times)
- Indoor records - Men, 01 01 16 (81 kB, viewed 1406 times)
- Indoor Records - Women, 03 03 16 (179 kB, viewed 1337 times)
- Annex_1-Preliminary programs (74 kB, viewed 1257 times)
- Annex_2-Hotel Reservation Form (194 kB, viewed 1210 times)
- Annex_3-Travel information (178 kB, viewed 1221 times)
- Bulletin no. 1 (2 MB, viewed 1252 times)
- Technical Regulations Athletics 23.12.2016 (146 kB, viewed 1303 times)
- Discipline Final entry 2015-12-20 (97 kB, viewed 1496 times)
- EC Indoor Athletics 2016 - Discipline - Name (356 kB, viewed 1369 times)
- EC Indoor Athletics 2016 - Name Registration (313 kB, viewed 1392 times)
- New Timeplan 23.12.2015 (Program) (189 kB, viewed 1322 times)
- Set, Drawing and Qualification with run competitions (106 kB, viewed 1298 times)